Saturday, 2 July 2011

Sunday, 1 May 2011

I love girls with tattoos!

Especially when it looks like a scene from Fight Club!

Monday, 28 March 2011

Creepers on E

I lol'd quite a bit after seeing that dude in the background!
How much of a creeper is he!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

So I was just listening to Mike Davis on the Radio One Punk Rock Show as you do then BAM this song comes on called Sat In Viccy Park and I'm like fuck this is sweet! So I find myself a few tracks and listen some more and now I'm hook line and sinkered. They are called Apologies, I Have None ( and apparently they are from London. I think one of THE best things about them is the fact they seem to have a millions influences kicking around in their songs.

Anyway I love them check them out!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Today was pretty damn sunny, I love it. It makes the day seem a little more awesome. Only downer is I'm so fucking snotty and bunged up and I have no idea why!

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Second attempt

So I stopped writing my blog. Namely because I don't think anyone reads it but I'm going to start again!

I'm very much excited for Angels and Airwaves, Love!
Thats the latest trailer and its due out so soon and seeing as it was due freaking ages ago I'm running with the assumption it's going to be remarkable.